We found out on Monday that we are having a girl. It was so much fun to find out by opening the box of pink balloons. I really had felt like it was a girl since my pregnancy symptoms have been so different than they were with Wes. But, at the same time I just couldn't really imagine seeing a box of pink balloons and getting to buy bows, leggings, bloomers. :) We went to the sonogram and saw Addie first (but didn't know that she was in fact a she) it's so fun watching that sweet baby move all around. At one point when we got a good profile shot drew and I both looked at each other and said "she has Wes' nose!" Obviously it's hard to tell but it really looks like his sweet little nose. I love it! The sonogram tech was so sweet and funny, she turned off the wall monitor when she went to see the gender to make sure we couldn't peek :) we are so excited and feel so blessed! We can hardly wait for March to be here and to see Addie Grace Pennywell. 

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