Monday, June 29, 2009

Lucy Liberty- Mutt Mondays!

We are very excited about the 4th of July at the Pennywell House! Every year my aunt and uncle have a Fourth Party at their Bayhouse in Galveston! I am so excited to see my parents, since our wedding! Anyways, Drew and I found Lucy a costume... introducing.. Lucy Liberty!

In the above picture, Lucy seems ok with the outfit. Although I captured this picture of her a few minutes later. I am going to say that I believe she is just tired, and is still very happy to be Lucy Liberty, and she WILL be wearing her crown all day Saturday, don't worry!

I hope everyone has a great week, only a four day work week for most :) Why am I excited about this since I am not even working at the moment??? Because I get an extra day with my hubby, duh!

Also, I recently stumbled upon a blog (via a friends blog-thanks Betty!) that is all about dogs! She is a mom to puppies as well, haha! and on Monday's she post what is called "Mutt Mondays" so take a cute picture of your pups and post it on her blog on Mondays, enjoy!


Stephanie Marie said...

Hey Leslee! I just discovered your little blog and am so excited! Kyle and I are getting to go home for the fourth and it will be our first time since the wedding, so I understand your excitement! Lucy looks extra cute by the way :)

Unknown said...

We'll see if Lola lets her keep it on. Lola might get jealous that Lucy gets to dress up!

Amanda Fouts said...

AWWWWWW I LOVEEEE Lucy as Lady Liberty!!!! TOOOO cute!!!! I know, Shelby and Molly would just love Lucy!! You know how they have baby play dates?! Too bad we don't live closer so we could have doggie play dates! hahaha!

Laura said...

hahahahahaha I love it. Lucy looks absolutely thrilled to be Lucy Liberty! I hope yall have fun this weekend and that Lucy's costume is water proof.

Evan and Nicole said...

Yea! so glad to see that you have a blog!! I'm going to add your to our blog roll if you don't mind!! Your wedding pics are gorgeous!! Your wedding was stunning!